Texas Municipal Police Association
6200 La Calma Drive, Ste. 200
Austin, TX 78752

April 25, 2021


Dear TMPA,


A coward dies a thousand deaths. A hero dies but once. 

I don't envy you and your staff having to wage war on multiple fronts while being flanked by those that pretend they are your allies.  There is no profession under such assault as the police profession.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police have truly lost its bearings.  I expect that you have probably already seen this, but if you have not, this is the latest post-Chauvin salvo on the institution that was the American society. These so-called leaders, the last bastion, the next to the last line of defense against anarchy is collectively turning their backs on all that they swore to protect and for what? 

Death will come to all of us... but to those that sell out their people, communities, and country...  it will be a frequent visitor.

Take care and stay safe,

Rod Gregg


You can read the full release from IACP here: It Is Beyond Time (theiacp.org).